We come together as a community in service to a higher purpose: to learn and teach principles of harmony with the Earth and one another in an oasis of natural ecology and spirit. It is hoped that members of our community will take advantage of the opportunities for growth, learning and enjoyment of a more natural lifestyle on the cutting edge of clean and regenerative technologies. Each person will fulfill responsibilities according to their talents, preferences and the community’s needs.
The members of our community come from a wide variety of disciplines, traditions, and backgrounds, all with the desire to share their talents with each other and the world at large. While it might be easier to develop a community of one religious or spiritual persuasion, such groups tend to become insular and opportunities for growth may be stunted. We celebrate multiple expressions of human tradition and endeavor that have been shown to elevate the human condition. It is our intention to provide an atmosphere that will raise the level of conscious interaction within the community, where compassion, service and trust may advance. We are developing a constitution which outlines the parameters of our vision and mission, and the behaviors desirable to it. Some will be permanent members of the community and others will come to learn on a temporary basis and then return to their homelands to teach, and plant the seeds of what they have learned in their own communities.
Our bridge building is intended to take much needed knowledge and technology from the fringes of creative and innovative processes into mainstream legitimacy. Additionally, the boundaries between vocation and avocation are blurred and contributions can be customized to individual needs and preferences.
Language which creates a spirit of patience, support, freedom, valuing, cooperation and enthusiasm is to be encouraged throughout. We desire to develop concepts which feel inevitable and irresistible, and inspire confidence in our ability to fundamentally improve processes and systems.
Our people are everything to us. Leadership is service.
VILLAGER CONDITIONS: Housing, healthcare, placement, training and education will be provided as a benefit of Cooperative Employee-Ownership, including dependent family members.
Villagers will be recruited in accordance with their in-life purpose, talents and abilities as openings occur within the producer cooperative. The more the cooperative prospers and the greater the villager's responsibilities and value creation, the higher the pay units.
So, as to have "skin in the game", new villagers are required to purchase cooperative common stock, which will be bought back by the cooperative at existing market value should a villager decide at any time to leave.
All Villagers who are Cooperative member/owners will have equal voting privileges at the annual meeting of the Employee-Owner General Assembly.
SIGN UP HERE: Please take a look at the many opportunities listed below (Rainbird Revenue Streams) to see if you may find your place among us. Rainbird is a full-service village, and as such, it will need the talents of a full range of people. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for a position, and/or if you think that we may have overlooked something in our list.
Rainbird Revenue Streams
Service Organization
Media and Publishing
Data mining and analytics, Tokenization, DAO and Crypto
Financial and Legal Services, Security personnel
Collaborations with outside organizations
Universities and educational institutions
Companies: Renewable Energy, Natural Housing builders, etc.
NGO’s, Charitable Foundations and Funds
Prototyping Intentional Communities and Eco-Village Designs
Creative real estate use and development: time share, leasing
Cooperatives incubation and connectivity
Marketing and Online Sales
Farming, Ranching, land-management ...Buildings: repairing, management
Regenerative Ecosystem Services
Regenerative Arts and Ecologies Institute (RAEI) Student Tuition, grants
Permaculture Research Institute (PRI)
Permaculture student training and advanced certifications
Permaculture Consulting
Urban, Suburban, and rural Strategies
Plant Guilds, Enhancements, Animal/Plant Synergies
Testing: Soils, microbiology, assay of nutritional values, etc.
Biological Sciences: Horticulture, Genetics, Nutrition, Physiology
Botanicals: Medicinal, Nutritional, and Cosmetic
Biomimicry, New product research and IP revenues
Physical Sciences: Energy -- Physics, Chemistry, Geology
Energy saving devices, research and IP revenues
Energy producing devices, research and IP revenues
Humanities and Arts: history, literature, philosophy, economics
Educational research: Enhanced, self-directed
Fine Arts: Studio arts, music, dance, cultural expression
Craftsmanship: Practical crafts, pottery, blacksmith, wood,
Metal, leather, sustainable, ecological building,
Clothing and textiles, food production and storage,
Home economics, child care and development
Ecological Architecture, design and maintenance
Holistic Health Academy and Clinics (Tuition, and medical services)
Functional Medicine, Integrative Health Strategies
Wellness, Nutrition, Evaluation and Testing, Treatment, Education, Research, Devices
Incubator and Accelerator for Regenerative Business development
Tech-sector integration and development
Business Sector
Themed Shopping Area:
Grocery and Food: Dairy, Bakery, Meats, Produce
Apothecary: Herbal medicines, Nutritionals and Cosmetics
Horticultural and Agricultural: seeds and nursery stock
Animal related businesses: leather goods, fibers, livestock
Arts and Craft Sales: fine art, metal, wood, clothing, tools
Shoemaker, Tailor shop, Quilt and Needlecraft maker.
Ceramics, Pottery, Blacksmith, Gadgets and Widgets…
Cooper and container maker shops, Furnishings Shop
3D printer shop, Toy Maker Shop
Florist shop
Ice Cream Shoppe
Restaurants: Fine Dining, Ye Olde Public House Café, and Snack bar
Bookstore and self-publisher
Makers Tool Library and Shops
Recycle and Thrift Shops, Electronics and Appliance repair
Destination Health Spa:
Functional Medicine Clinic services
Integrative Wellness services and diagnostics
Personalized programs
Family centered health and wellness
Yoga, Tai Chi, Etc.
Hospitality and Eco-tourism:
Conference Center and Villages
Conference hosting and lodging in “eco-villages”
International inspired eco-village accommodations
Student/Intern Housing
Dining: Casual, Fine dining and Student food services
Camping areas, tours and guides
Recreation and Wilderness related businesses