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"Home Rule" Municipality


So often, the biggest barrier to community development is archaic local regulations. Taking years just to clear all of the red-tape can cripple the work to be done. The solution is to incorporate as a municipality in a "Home Rule" state.


For example, Tooele City, Utah, established in 1965, operates under a “home rule" Grant of Authority guaranteed by the Utah Constitution allowing it to operate under its own rules of administration. The City Charter can only be changed by approval of the voters in a municipal election.


State and Federal laws must be upheld, but under a home rule municipal Grant of Authority , one can establish their own regulations and ordinances for such things as building codes, set-backs, parking lots, and other infrastructure and municipal services considerations. With ongoing developments in construction techniques and materials, flexible ordinances allows experimentation and development to keep pace with innovation and safety concerns.


Moreover, Municipal Enterprises play a critical role in building community wealth for several key reasons:

  • They create stable, quality jobs for community members.

  • They generate new local revenues that can be used for countless community-benefit purposes.

  • They increase local economic stability by reducing a community’s reliance on the whims of private businesses.

  • They often provide:

    • Goods and services to local residents and underserved areas for lower costs than for-profit providers.

    • ​More accountability, transparency, and democratic control than for-profit providers.

  • Donations to a municipality are tax-deductible under IRC 170(c)1 just like for a non-profit 501(c)3.

Rainbird Village, a Utah Benefit Corporation (founded February, 2015) is incorporated in the State of Utah as a "home rule" municipal corporation operating as a cooperative association and owns or manages a family of legal entities that serve our community:

  1. Rainbird Development Company Benefit LLC

  2. Rainbird Holistic Health, Professional Corporation

  3. Rainbird Community Credit Union

  4. Site-specific Investment Corporations (maximize tax benefit)

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